Hi folks and welcome back to the Coworking Values Podcast! This is our kick-off podcast episode for this year!
For this episode, Bernie will be giving you the lowdown of the Projects we are working on.
Click on the links and take a look at everything we are working on for the first few months of the new year.
Coworking Spain
Jose Antonio Morales
Rural Coworking Project German Coworking Federation
15-Minute City
Coworking Library
Hector Kolanas
Johanna Voll
Marko Orel
Coworking Symposium
Coworking IDEA Project
Ashley Proctor
Coworking Canada
This Week in Coworking
European Freelancers Week
Zeljko Crnjaković
This episode is brought to you by the European Coworking Assembly. We are everything coworking in Europe. If you head to the Coworking Assembly website, you can connect with our Coworking European Freelancers, Coworking Symposium, Coworking Library, and Coworking Tools.
Bernie J Mitchel
Hi folks, and welcome to the first Coworking Values podcast of 2022. Hope you had a really restful holiday wherever you are in the world. And this is just our first kick off episode to set the scene for at least the first part of 2022. So, we had a lot of new subscribers to the podcast, a lot of new subscribers to our email list and coworking just moved a lot in 2021. Some of you who are listening to this European Coworking Assembly or what the Coworking Values podcast is, and the purpose of this podcast is to just set the scene and then we’ll be going forward.
So, the first change we’re going to have is, we’re going to have more people from the European Coworking Assembly community doing podcasts in the new year. One of the things I’m very excited about is we’re going to explore doing a few ones in Spanish because there’s a lot of people, a lot of you listening, Spanish is your native language and co-workers Spain is a big part of the European Coworking calendar and then if that works, we’ll then go on to other languages but that’s a big that’s a big deal. So, if you can help with that, please get in touch Bernie@coworkingassembly.eu.
And then also we have Jose, who is from Peru and lives in Slovenia. He’s lived in Slovenia at least 20 years now. And he has come on board last year to coordinate what we call the Rural Coworking Project. He didn’t invent rural coworking, there’s just so many people around Europe and UK. Talking Coworking has always been a big side event run by the mainly the German Coworking Federation at co working in Europe. So it’s bringing all those conversations together. And academic levels people and industry level people in villages all making that happen.
There’s the What If Everyone Could Walk To Work and Boot The Commute from Town Square, which led into that conversation as well and their publications from the from the UK. So Jose, Jose is the person coordinating those conversations and helping people initiate projects around Rural Coworking, so that is going to be a big deal. And Jose is going to be doing a regular podcast with us here to bring that alive. The pandemic meant that everyone stopped running into cities to coworking spaces and out. co working spaces are flexible workspaces or collaborative workspaces, whatever you want to call them. moved away from the center set or moved away from the center of cities and suburbs and rural areas. Just become an ally with that type of thing. That which is great. For community, great for the local community and it’s great for people stopping to commute and the environment and things like that. So we’re very enthusiastic about that.
The other very long running project is the Coworking Library which is run by Hector, Carsten, and Jo. I’m not sure how accurate this is but if you run a coworking space, you get hit up with Can I do a survey, I’m studying coworking and everything like that. And a lot of people have already done that research. It just gets more comprehensive and detailed every year. And Jo, Carsten, and Hector set up the Coworking Library where people can send their or publish their academic research and industry research to there’s some criteria to get in there. And then people like me can say, go to the Coworking Library instead of copying and pasting links and sending them in. That is a huge, very important part of the Coworking Assembly family.
The next thing is the Coworking Symposium run by Marco from the University of Economics in Prague is back again for a third year. Looks like we’re going to be able to do it in person that is along with the research group for collaborative spaces and the Coworking Library. The Coworking Symposium is a really interesting collection of industry and academic people this year is probably going to be a bit more academic. And there’s Marco now, heads up a misquoted, but there’s a center for that researches the future of work at Prague University of Economics. And he sort of instigated that last year. So some very, very interesting conversations coming out of that.
There’s the Coworking Values Podcast, which you’re listening to now is a key linchpin project of the of the Coworking Assembly. And we just gather conversations, if you go back there’s I think this is like the 130th episode we’ve done so far. And that is myself and as Z who does all the show notes, there’s Zeljko from Serbia, who produces it all, and lots of people behind the scenes contribute to this happening, and we’re just going to make this even more solid in 2022.
Moving swiftly on. I’m conscious of time and this is meant to be a 10-minute podcast. So what really took my breath away in 2022 was the Coworking IDEA Project, which was invented by Ashley Proctor from Coworking Canada, one of the longest serving coworking evangelists on the face of the planet. And the Coworking IDEA Project is about inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in the coworking industry. And a lot of you listening to this contributed very, very hard to that over 2021. We ended up doing I think it’s like 10 challenges with people from all around the co working universe. You know, in in the States and in Europe. A lot of companies like next let us not forget them all Cobots and other people contributed really deeply to that. Both like turning up to the events and supporting behind the scenes. And in the end, the icing on the cake was we did a session which is a Coworking Values podcast, which we’ll put a link in the show notes to the session that Johnny’s just made happen at Coworking Europe, where we had like 10 people talking about why this is important from all over the European Coworking Assembly. So just the amount of people listening to that, I think last time I spoke to Johnny is before Christmas, it was the fifth most watched session in the Coworking Europe platform. And this like Carsten’s Coworking survey, Global Coworking survey is always the thing that most people pay attention to. And then James from intern office always does a good show there. So we did really well there.
And then there’s European Freelancers Week, which we’re going to be doing in October and that is a regular newsletter. So if you go to European Freelancers Week, we’re doing that every two weeks to build up to October, which is the main event and that in terms of coworking is the part the role we play in that is connected with as many coworking spaces as possible in Europe so that people can connect with freelancers, independent economic agents, or whatever they’re calling themselves in those spaces. And a lot has happened in the last year about how people work the future of work. You know, our friend Albert has been very early on a virus Well, we’re saying COVID has accelerated the future work by 10 years and the further we go on, the more evident there is. So there’s a lot of people working on their own.
There’s also a lot of people, there’s a lot of people running their own businesses and their own freelance practices. There’s also a lot of people working on their own who used to go to office, and we were looking to help all of those people there. So the last thing I want to give a shout out to is the This Week in Coworking which is a newsletter run by Arthur and Hector. So if you go to thisweekincoworking.com, there’s always a link somewhere in our email and that is a roundup which is done by Hector and it’s like I’m going to say like nearly every story around the coworking workspace, Flexi universe every week, and he curates it, he gathers and what why I’m really keen to point this out is that it is an independently run thing. And so many things you see online, they’re sponsored.
There’s an agenda to them. You know that they only represent a particular portion of the coworking industry and Hector gather stories from like, big corporate giants doing coworking to aunties running in a coworking space on the side of their farm. So a lot of tech in there. One of the things we find in Coworking London is the conversation around how do I do this technology, what texture, what desk app should I use, and all that type of stuff is front and center is even very confusing. Hector and the people he works with are consistently viable voice in that thing. So This Week in Coworking obviously ours is the best newsletter on the face of the planet, which you can get to by going to coworkingassembly.au and the second-best coworking newsletter in the world is Hector. So both of those, and this podcast we need for everything coworking in Europe in 2022. If you’d like to get in touch, just hit me up on social media, Bernie J Mitchell somewhere or hit reply to the coworking assembly newsletter. Hope you have a great 2022. We’d really love to connect with you and thanks for all the support so far. Take care and be careful out there, it is a jungle
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