Coworking spaces have long evolved from just being a shared space with tables and chairs and random strangers all over the place. For Anton Chernikov, in its essence, a good workspace is one that promotes innovation, is inclusive and is built on a solid foundation...
Brexit is an ongoing challenge facing businesses in 2021. Naturally, changes are taking place and these changes affect everyone. What exactly do these new waters mean for freelancers, startups and small businesses? In an interview with Matthew Perkins of...
Coworking spaces and flexible workspaces mean more than just a desk and a chair to some people. When it comes to innovation, design, location, and environment, coworking spaces must do more than catch the eye, they need to capture the soul too. Chatting to John...
Coworking isn’t simply about renting to work. No, coworking is much more than that. It’s a community that gives freelancers, startups and entrepreneurs that sense of belonging. It gives them energy to not just support their own community, but also give back to their...
In 2020 Elena Giroli, took the leap moving from the public sector and headed full time into Change and Community Manager at Creative Works. For years Elena has been part of the London Coworking Assembly and a member of coworking spaces, but the opportunity to work...
Media Announcement 24 February 2021 Coworking Symposium 2021 promises non-biased and data-driven talks Get ready for the second Coworking Symposium, kicking off on the 15th of April 2021. Again in the form of a digital unconference, this year’s event promises...